Below is a listing of all the product resistance notes associated with Jotun coatings. To view the contents of each note, simply click on the note title or the "Show Details" text. To hide the note contents, either click the note title or the "Hide Details" text.

1A) AGGRESSIVE CARGOES (Show Details...)   
The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 60 days.

These cargoes can be absorbed and cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air 
to a steady state gas free condition.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing to the above cannot take place within the minimum “recovery” time shown below:
  • 30 days for Tankguard HB
  • 20 days for Tankguard HB Classic
  • 10 days for Tankguard Special, Tankguard Special Plus and not hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 5 days for hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 3 days for Tankguard Flexline

For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum “recovery” time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

R1A cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3) months (3 months after the carriage of first cargo) carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only (see General Note XVIII), or after a hot cure (see General Note III) is done.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
1B) AGGRESSIVE CARGOES (Show Details...)   

The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 90 days.

These cargoes can be absorbed and cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air 
to a steady state gas free condition.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing to the above cannot take place within the minimum “recovery” time shown below:
  • 30 days for Tankguard HB
  • 20 days for Tankguard HB Classic
  • 10 days for Tankguard Special, Tankguard Special Plus and not hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 5 days for hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 3 days for Tankguard Flexline
For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum “recovery” time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

R1B cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3) months (3 months after the carriage of first cargo) carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only (see General Note XVIII), or after a hot cure (see General Note III) is done.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
2) VERY AGGRESSIVE CARGOES (Show Details...)   
The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 30 days.

These cargoes can be absorbed and cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air 
to a steady state gas free condition.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing to the above cannot take place within the minimum “recovery” time shown below:
  • 30 days for Tankguard HB
  • 20 days for Tankguard HB Classic
  • 10 days for Tankguard Special, Tankguard Special Plus and not hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 5 days for hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 3 days for Tankguard Flexline
For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum “recovery” time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

R2 cargoes must not be carried until the coating has been in service for three (3) months (3 months after the carriage of first cargo) carrying unrestricted (R) cargoes only (see General Note XVIII), or after a hot cure (see General Note III) is done.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
These cargoes contain varying amounts of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) depending on type, origin, age and quality of the oil. Solid or semi-solid types such as Palm Oil, Tallow (Lard), are transported at elevated temperatures to facilitate cargo handling. Excessively elevated temperatures and/or prolonged heating can cause an increase in FFA content, especially in the region around heating coils and in heat exchangers.

The maximum acceptable levels of FFA’s and limitations for Jotun cargo tank coatings are as follows:

Cargo Tank Coating

Acid Value (ASTM D-1980)

Approximate %FFA

Maximum acceptable water and impurities/insoluble content

Tankguard Zinc




Tankguard CPC






Tankguard HB

Tankguard HB Classic

Tankguard Special



Tankguard Special Plus

Tankguard Special Ultra

No limit

Up to 100%

Tankguard Flexline

  • No free mineral acid is permitted.

During loading, carriage and unloading the acid value must not exceed the maximum values for each tank coating shown above.

For further information, see General Note XVI and XVII.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
Esters, chlorinated or brominated compounds, amine cargoes and others will react with any moisture present to form aggressive by-products, which will attack the coating and/or carbon steel. Such cargoes must therefore be free from moisture and be carried in completely dry tanks, which are protected against water ingression. After unloading, ventilation to a "gas free" state must be carried out in a tank prior to exposure to water. Additionally, R4 cargoes must not be carried before or followed by aqueous cargo or ballast water.

The water content of these cargoes must not exceed 0.02% (200ppm).

For FAME type of cargoes, a water content of up to 300ppm combined with a maximum acid value of 0,5 is acceptable for voyages up to 5 days.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  

Crude oil and fuel oil may contain variable amounts of acidic materials, which may be detrimental to Tankguard Zinc. 

The maximum acceptable Neutralisation Number (ASTM D – 664) for these cargoes is 0.4.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
7) UNLEADED GASOLINE (Show Details...)   

Many unleaded gasoline products may have considerable amounts of oxygenated solvents added to them to improve their combustion characteristics. Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethyl alcohol as common additives to gasoline

1.   The coating is fully compatible with unleaded gasoline containing ethers with five or more carbon atoms per molecule (e.g., MTBE, ETBE, etc.) as the sole oxygenated additive, provided the concentration is less than 22% by volume

2.   The coating is fully compatible with unleaded gasoline containing ethyl alcohol (ethanol) as the sole oxygenated additive, for concentrations up to 99% by volume when carried in accordance with specific note 1A

3.   The coating is fully compatible with unleaded gasoline containing methyl alcohol (methanol) as the sole oxygenated additive, for concentrations up to 20% by volume when carried in accordance with specific note 1A

4.   The coating is fully compatible with unleaded gasoline containing isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) as the sole oxygenated additive, for concentrations up to 20% by volume when carried in accordance with specific note 1A

For unleaded gasoline containing additives different to the above, different concentrations or mixtures, JOTUN must be consulted for specific advice.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
8) COATING DISCOLOURATION (Show Details...)   
The coating may be discoloured by this cargo. The discolouration will not affect the resistance of the coating, but may make tank cleaning more difficult, and increase the risk of contaminating subsequent cargoes. For further information, see General Note VIII.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
9) ZINC PICK-UP (Show Details...)   

Certain cargoes are very sensitive to the presence of zinc particles, which could possibly be picked up during transportation in zinc coated tanks. Small particles of zinc picked up by the cargo will have no effect on the Tankguard Zinc, but may affect the quality of the cargo.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
11) pH SENSITIVE CARGOES (Show Details...)   

Products in this class can be transported when the pH is within the range 5.5 - 10.0.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
12) MOLASSES (Show Details...)   

Molasses may be carried in tanks coated with Tankguard Zinc if the pH of the cargo is between 5.5 – 10.0.  The pH of molasses may decrease during transportation due to fermentation.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
14) PHENOL AND CRESOLS (Show Details...)   

Tankguard Zinc is resistant to Phenol and Cresols provided the coating has been in service for at least 3 months.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
The stowage time for these cargoes must not exceed 30 days (except for 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) and acrylonitrile, where 60 days can be accepted for Tankguard Special Ultra and 90 days for Tankguard Flexline).

These cargoes can be absorbed and cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing to the above cannot take place within the minimum “recovery” time shown below:
  • 10 days for Tankguard Special and Tankguard Special Plus
  • 5 days for hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra
  • 3 days for Tankguard Flexline
For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum “recovery” time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

Prior to carriage of these cargoes, the coating must be hot cured within 3 months in service (3 months after the carriage of first cargo). For further information, see General Note III.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
These cargoes are absorbed and cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air to a steady state gas free condition.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing hot cured Tankguard Special Ultra to the above cannot take place within at least 5 days (the minimum "recovery" time).

For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum "recovery" time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

Prior to carriage of these cargoes, the coating must be hot cured within 3 months in service (3 months after the carriage of first cargo). For further information, see General Note III. If a hot cure is not carried out, the Specific Note 2 applies.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
These cargoes are absorbed and can cause softening and swelling of the coating system. After unloading, the coating will however recover hardness as the cargo evaporates from the coating which may be obtained by actively venting the tank with dry air to a steady state gas free condition.

After unloading of these cargoes, the tanks must not be brought into contact with water (seawater, freshwater, cleaning water, aqueous cargoes), aggressive cargo (R1A, R1B, R2, R16, R18, R19), any cargo with a higher than ambient temperature or that might react with the absorbed cargo before the coating is restored to its original condition. 

Exposing Tankguard Flexline to the above cannot take place within at least 3 days (the minimum "recovery" time).

For further information regarding ventilation and the minimum "recovery" time, see General Note XV in Jotun Marine Tank Coating Notes.

Last Edit: Jul 04, 2022  
Acceptable concentrations and maximum storage temperatures for Tankguard Special Ultra and Tankguard Flexline are shown below:

Sodium Hydroxide
Maximum storage temperature 







Potassium Hydroxide solutions:
Maximum storage temperature







Tankguard Special Ultra and Tankguard Flexline can be exposed to solutions below 40% up to 35ºC.

After carriage of concentrated alkaline solutions, tanks must be thoroughly cleaned. Diluted alkaline solutions can be detrimental to the coating, hence residues should be fully removed from the tank after cleaning by draining and mopping to a dry condition.

Last Edit: May 26, 2022  
21) METHANOL (Show Details...)   
Methyl alcohol (methanol) cargo must be pure (contamination with acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, formic acid, acetone and acetic acid should be below 150 ppm per contaminant). Samples of the methyl alcohol must be taken immediately prior to both loading and discharge. The sample must be sealed, clearly labelled, dated, and retained on board for a minimum of 6 months after discharge of the cargo. For further information, see General Note XVII.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
22) MORE INFORMATION REQUIRED (Show Details...)   

Due to different composition, source and QC specification, the CoA of every batch should be accepted by Jotun prior to loading the cargo. For further information regarding storage of samples. see General Note XVII.

Last Edit: Sep 21, 2023  
100ppm) ADDITIVE (Show Details...)   
This additive is compatible with the coating provided the final addition is 100 ppm or less

Last Edit: Apr 30, 2019  
500ppm) ADDITIVE (Show Details...)   
This additive is compatible with the coating provided the final addition is 500 ppm or less

Last Edit: Apr 17, 2024  
1000ppm) ADDITIVE (Show Details...)   
This additive is compatible with the coating provided the final addition is 1000 ppm (0.10%) or less

Last Edit: Apr 17, 2024  

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